Monday, October 3, 2011

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane is a 1941 drama directed by and starring Orson Welles that is about the life and death of Charles Foster Kane, a wealthy newspaper company CEO. The film opens with the feel of a horror movie, a somewhat stormy-looking night and a view of a gigantic mansion. The scene cuts to an elderly man on his death bed clutching a snow globe.  There is a close up of his mouth and he utters one word. “Rosebud.”

The film is composed of many flashbacks of Kane’s young adult life. From when he first bought a newspaper to when he was a rich man. He was married twice and divorced twice.  He started out as a good guy, a rich man looking out for the poor men. You don’t find out who Rosebud is until the very end when they are zooming out of one of Kane’s storehouses and you see a sled with the work “Rosebud” painted on it.

 I did not like this movie. It was very serious the whole time. I can see why the critics loved it so much because it has countless hidden meanings and mysteries behind it. I give this movie 4 out of 10 (10 being the highest).

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